Cybersecurity workshops

On Friday, November 8, we had the pleasure of visiting the 264 Primary School in Warsaw. We ran cybersecurity workshops for 3 classes. Students showed enormous knowledge and creativity, often surprising us with their perfect observations. We talked mainly about the principles of safe use of the Internet and about dangers in the virtual world. We hope that we have managed to broaden the students' knowledge. Stay safe online!

13th International Conference „Keeping Children and Young People safe online”

On September 17-18, 2019, the 13th International Conference „Keeping Children and Young People safe online” took place in Warsaw. Our Foundation was represented by Natalia Mirosz. On the first day of the conference there was a debate on how parents can help their children use new technologies in a safe and constructive way. The next panel was devoted to parenthood and the role of education in the age of digital revolution. How to deal with new technologies at school was also discussed. The summary of the first day was the screening of the film "Teen Confessions" (documentary, Israel, 2018).

During the next day, two issues were developed: cyberbullying and sexting. We took part in the session: "Cyberbullying, online aggression, online hate speech". We met many inspiring people, representatives of many organizations and initiators of various events. The day ended with a joint open debate covering topics discussed during the conference.

To sum up - these were two days full of new experiences and learning, we will definitely use the acquired knowledge during the workshops we run.


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Foundation Intelligent Technologies 4th birthday

Today, we celebrate birthday of our Foundation. In the past year, we continued conducting workshops for children and youth "Intelligent in the Web" regarding Internet security and proper use of new technologies. We took part in the celebration of the Safer Internet Day and in the 23rd Science Picnic of the Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center. We also conducted workshops for parents regarding cybersecurity under #expertTalk together with myhive.

We are constantly working on the development of the Im2be application to provide "Hopeful People Technology".

Thank you to all those who support our activities. Next years of hard work ahead of us!

100x100 meeting cycle

On 28th of June we took part in event held at the Warsaw Stock Exchange, organized by the Polish National Foundation within 100x100 meeting cycle. The event consisted of 3 elements:

  1. Presentation of exceptional technological companies (including
  2. Tim Rowe’s presentation on building strong innovative ecosystems.

3. Networking session/catering/ artistic elements (the works of Janusz Kapusta, New York City-based discoverer of a new geometric shape, patented in the US, awarded multiple times


On July 2, at Crown Point, the last meeting of the #ekspertTalk series concerning Internet security took place. Each meeting was an inspiring experience. We are happy that all of you liked the topics covered. During our meetings, most parents said that one hour is not enough for them, they want more! So? We will try to meet the expectations of parents. Be sure to watch us! More details soon ...


#expertTalk myhive: Cybersecurity - how to talk with your child about "Internet"

It is a pleasure for us to cooperate with myhive. Together with our founder, Intelligent Technologies S.A. and Omega Enterprise Services we conduct #expertTalk for parents of children aged 7-12 years on the subject of children's safety in the Internet.
The first meeting took place on Thursday, June 6 in myhive Brama Zachodnia, next on Tuesday, June 11, in myhive IO-1. The last will take place on Tuesday, July 2 at Crown Point.

Thank you myhive for great organization and the opportunity to meet the parents.

Family Picnic in Dębe Wielkie

On Saturday, June 8, we took part in the Family Picnic organized by the Primary School named Volhynian Cavalry Brigade in Dębe Wielkie. We showed how traditional fixed telephony works. Our guests could independently connect using the local battery and hand-operated telephone. Participants of the Picnic also had the opportunity to check how the biofeedback device works, i.e. the biological feedback that informs about the physiological state of the body under the influence of stimuli. Devices of this type are used, for example, in NASA.

It was a very nice and sunny afternoon. Thank you to the School for the invitation, we wish you all interesting and safe holidays.

Workshops "Intelligence in the Web" at the Primary School No. 97

Hate, dangerous sites, viruses, addiction...

These are the most common responses of students to the question of threats that may happen to them on the Internet. Once again, we have started cooperation with the school, and we run the "Intelligence in the Web" workshops. This time in Leon Kruczkowski Primary School No. 97 in Warsaw. The first workshop took place on May 22, 2019. By the end of the school year, we plan to conduct workshops in classes 4-8. We talk not only about threats, but also about all the benefits we get from the Internet. Each lesson, every class, every student is different - there are different needs. We try to adapt to each individual, and the most we care about is that our recipients are safe on the web.

23. Science Picnic

Our Foundation had the pleasure to participate in the Science Picnic for the fourth time. This year, the Picnic was held on Saturday, May 11, and the theme was "Machines and us" The Foundation’s booth was located in the "Future" zone, and our task was to present inventions that change the daily lives of people.

We have prepared 4 shows for visitors:

1. Telephone of the past - the idea of this show was to present how traditional fixed telephony works. Our guests could independently connect using the local battery and hand-operated telephone. Thanks to the supervisors, they could also learn a lot about traditional telephony. The show enjoyed great interest.

2. Integrated communication - we presented the possibilities of VoIP technology and new solutions for fixed-line telephony.

3. New opportunities in the old delivery - visitors had the opportunity to make video calls between landline phones and could experience the compatibility of a landline phone with websites.

4. Creative communication - this show was prepared for the youngest participants – they could design and make their own unique phone. The effects of the work of our brave, small designers are presented in the pictures.

Our booth was very popular, which was a great joy for us. Thank you very much for the huge help and running the shows to our colleagues from the company Intelligent Technologies S.A. You were wonderful! We also thank all volunteers for their commitment and creativity! We are very happy to participate in the Picnic and we hope to meet again next year!