
Greg Geris, President of the Foundation Board, was asked to speak about the war in Ukraine to the first in-person annual reunion at Harvard Business School since the Corona Virus.  This is the message exactly as presented at Harvard on 18 June 2022, which was well received and the Q&A was spirited.  Americans noted that the war is already not the headline news and the role of the Polish people is not fully appreciated.  We post the video here with the disclaimer that no corporate or private persons are bragging about helping Ukrainians, this is our effort to help end the war with the best perspectives to begin again.  We hope it is good news and hereby share it with you!


#freeUkraine #Poland #Ukraine #goodnews #FundacjaIT


6th birthday of Foundation Intelligent Technologies!

Today we celebrate the sixth birthday of our Foundation. Over the past 6 years, thanks to the enthusiasm and commitment of many people, we have realized our mission, which is to educate and increase people's awareness of new technologies. We have conducted many workshops for children, teenagers and adults on Internet safety and the proper use of new technologies. We took part in the Safer Internet Day, Science Picnics and school family picnics.

On March 1, we publicly launched the Im2be application - the Foundation's flagship project, which aims to provide a modern, loving method supporting the overall development of families around the world. The app is available for free and can be downloaded here: https://im2be.com

Thank you to everyone who has supported us over the past 6 years, we thank our colleagues and volunteers. We also thank our founder - Intelligent Technologies S.A. for great support and help in every situation.



Cooperation with the Foundation of the Institute of Mother and Child

We are pleased to announce that the Foundation Intelligent Technologies entered into cooperation with the Foundation of the Institute of Mother and Child on 5.07.2021.

We have many common ideas to implement about which we will soon inform on our website and social media.

We invite you to the webinar!

On June 30, 2021, at 6 p.m. there will be another webinar devoted to cybersecurity. This time in cooperation with Krajowy Instytut Cyberbezpieczeństwa. We invite everyone interested to participate. During the meeting, we will talk about safe holidays on the Internet.


Registration link: https://formularz.im2be.com/webinar

Webinar - 5 tips on how to better organize your child's time

On May 26, the Foundation Intelligent Technologies organized another webinar entitled "5 tips to better organize your child's time". During the meeting, we talked about what a parent can do to help their child better manage their time management.


Please find below the link to the webinar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j8wPGw8fXw

Interview with Bartosz Jasiński for Krajowy Instytut Cyberbepieczeństwa

On May 13, 2021, there was an interview with Im2be Product Manager and psychologist Bartosz Jasiński on the topic: Cybersecurity in the family. The interview was conducted by Krajowy Instytut Cyberbezpieczeństwa.


The link to the content can be found here


Im2be application tests

To develop the application Im2be in line with your expectations, we conducted user tests that took place from 01/02/2021 to 31/03/2021. Below we present the results of the tests.


User test results

Instax Mini Contest Results

We are pleased to announce that the "Win Instax Mini 11 Camera" constest has ended. The results of the contest were announced on Facebook. The jury selected and awarded Mrs.Klaudia Krabek.

Webinar - Powered by love - an application created with love.

On March 26, 2021, a free webinar for parents with children took place, during which you had the opportunity to meet our team working on the application Im2be. Among other things, we talked about our motto and the values ​​accompanying the design of applications for families.


Please find below the link to the webinar - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsLeWFpwWqk

Foundation Intelligent Technologies and Im2be - article in the magazine "Mały Uczeń"

An article about the application Im2be appeared in the "Mały Uczeń" magazine. We invite everyone interested to read the content of the article.


To read the article, click here