Are computer games good for kids?

On the one hand, computer games have a positive effect on the child's development, support coordination, help to get rid of excess emotions and stimulate the mental development of children. On the other hand, they can lead to the development of aggression and computer addiction. In the article below, we will take a closer look at the pros and cons of computer games, and you will draw your own conclusions.

Children can have a number of benefits from computer games, first of all, research on the usefulness of computer games as an educational technique allows to state that computer games stimulate the child's mental development and increase the so-called cognitive activity, which is an important factor for success in learning. Using a computer, and especially playing games, supports hand-eye coordination (a process whose proper development is a prerequisite for acquiring knowledge and school skills), as it requires a high reaction speed and often three-dimensional interpretation of two-dimensional images. By playing the game, the child stimulates all his senses and learns to coordinate them. In addition to following what is happening on the screen using the joystick or the computer keyboard, the child also experiences tactile sensations - they must coordinate hand movements with what is happening on the screen. Secondly, computer games also have a positive effect on the development of a child's language skills, if we take care of it. It will be easier for a child to play a completely Polish game, although it is worth choosing the English version with Polish subtitles, thanks to which the child will be familiar with the language, remember certain phrases, and he will do all this while having fun, thanks to which he will not be aware that he is learning and will remember more.

Apart from the benefits of computer games presented above, there are also risks and threats associated with them. Scientific research proves the negative impact, especially of aggressive and violent content contained in computer games or on the Internet. Playing games or other forms of contact with content that contains aggressive elements leads to aggressive behavior - that is, children imitate what they see on the screen. Research conducted among young children - as opposed to studies of adolescents and older adolescents - confirm that they actually become more aggressive after contact with a game with elements of violence or watching films with such a color. A younger child, left with a game containing elements of aggression and violence, cannot separate good from evil and is more affected by it. Its nervous system is still immature and cannot select the excess of stimuli flowing from the screen, emotions are unstable and are more susceptible to harmful influences, which is why it is so important for the parent to choose a game or website for the child - devoid of excess aggression. And if such a game happens, e.g. given as a gift or borrowed from a friend, accompany the child during its use and provide appropriate explanations in a language that he understands.

To sum up, computer games have their advantages and disadvantages, but it is up to us, parents, which ones will prevail. Games can be a great support for a child's education, and also be a fun form of entertainment for him. On the other hand, games with inappropriate content and in excess can hurt the child. You always have to look for the "golden mean" and wisely divide the time spent in front of the computer screen or console and the time when the child spends on other activities, including outdoor activities.

All faces of fear of failure

Your child refuses to participate in a school soccer match. When everyone is playing with the neighbor's rabbit, he puts his hands in his pocket and swears that he does not like animals. He doesn't feel like going to a ski camp. He's never been bowling, and he doesn't want to go there - it's a stupid game. What this is about?

Fear of failure can make one big minefield all over the world - everything can go wrong. What if during the match I slip on the grass, give the ball wrong, my team gets angry at me? What if the rabbit bites me? Maybe, I don't have skiing talent like my mother and I just disappoint her? This type of anxiety can effectively discourage your child from trying new things, enjoying the fun and company of friends. It's worth knowing how to deal with it.


Recognize fear of failure

A child who experiences fear of failure wants to be seen as resourceful and brave. Rather, he will not tell us that he simulated a stomachache before Kasia's from IVa birthday party, so as not to participate in games where he could fail. What child behaviors should arouse the parent's vigilance? Repetitive refusals to participate in activities with peers or older children (he is happy to play with toddlers, because their games are so easy that they always come out victorious), reluctance to play with people whom he cares about , perfectionism, frequent abdominal pain and other somatic symptoms before important events (school performance, first trip to the ice rink). It should also be alarming to take up activities only in a very limited group (e.g. with mom, one friend) and to give up challenges posed, e.g. at school, using words like "It's too easy for me", "It's boring", "I don't like it today wants".


Break the vicious circle

A child who is afraid will try to move as far as possible from the source of his fear - as soon as possible and for the longest time. He can pretend indisposition not to go to the pool with his friends because he swims poorly and is afraid of being compromised. He can also postpone studying to the class and open the textbook only on the day preceding the test. Laziness has nothing to do with it - simply not taking actions associated with anxiety temporarily helps you deal with it. However, this is not a favorable strategy - if it is not noticed and corrected at an early stage, it can become a well-established pattern of action that will be difficult to change. How can you help your child? Encourage them to confront difficult situations - first in a safe environment and with support - parents, siblings, friends. It is worth showing that problems should be solved immediately, without undue delay, it will help to avoid the build-up of tension to a level that the child will find difficult to bear.


Bet on commitment

A child who experiences the fear of failure focuses on the effect of his actions - he only sees the final. A change of perspective can be very useful. If a child participates in a school long jump competition, all he sees is that he achieved last position. How to make him think that he will spend a lot of time with his friends, be able to put on a new sports outfit, while waiting for his turn may make some interesting acquaintances? Instead of praising the effect, praise for commitment. Note that the kid sat down to the lesson, not that he did everything flawlessly. Toddler smeared the whole kitchen with jam preparing a sandwich. Before cleaning, let him hear a kind word about his independence. If this is not enough for him to look differently at his failures, think about whether he had the opportunity to see how others deal with failures. Perhaps in his opinion, he is surrounded by ideal people, who mishaps never happen? It is worth showing your child that failures happen to everyone - it is important to be able to rise after them.

Learning to deal with failures is not only about improving the quality of life of the child - both in the context of school learning, as well as social contacts and emotional maturity. This is a very important resource that will pay off in the future when a teenager, and later a young adult, begins an independent life. So, let's take your hands out of your pocket now and pet the rabbit.



Shaw, M. (1999). Dziecięce lęki: o wychowaniu dziecka w świecie, który napawa je lękiem. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Moderski i S-ka.


Help your child deal with stress

Nowadays, more and more often we can hear about the harmful effects of stress on human health. The fight against this invisible perpetrator of tension begins on the day of birth and accompanies us throughout our lives. It is most visible when the child starts learning. Suddenly, he faces new tasks, he is increasingly subjected to an assessment of his own actions, new social relationships appear in which the child wants to be seen in a positive light. All this can cause a strong emotional tension. How children learn to minimize the effects of stress affects their entire lives. The purpose of this text is to show parents what stress is and how to help a child relieve tension caused by various situations.


In general, stress means an adaptive relationship between human capabilities and the demands of the environment. The above definition shows that the environment is full of various stressors affecting individuals.

In psychology, three forms of stress response are distinguished: eustress, distress, and neustress. The first form, or eustress, turns out to be mobilizing. What does this mean in practice? Tension caused by various stimuli - e.g. stress before the test provokes the mobilization of the body to reduce this tension. Ultimately, in our example, it forces us to learn. However, when the state of tension persists for a very long time and exceeds the individual threshold of stress resistance, we will talk about the adverse effects of distress. It appears when a student has several tests at one time, and a lot of other duties arising from extra-curricular activities. It is highly probable that he will feel tension causing slow exhaustion of the body's mobilization capacity. How can it manifest itself? First of all, the person is becoming more and more nervous, more and more often he is unable to cope with the current situation, there are problems with concentration, and there is also a decrease in motivation. In extreme situations, if you do not try to reduce the intensity of stress, you may develop neurotic or mood disorders.


As mentioned in the introduction, the fact, how a child learns to cope with stress will have a huge impact on its later functioning. A good example would be people who had the so-called "too high bar" - they can develop a tendency to avoid stress responses. In adult life, they can also avoid difficult situations for fear of failure. In extreme cases, anxiety disorders may develop, e.g. social phobia.

It is therefore worth considering whether our children have too many responsibilities. Sometimes, they want to attend as many classes as possible, without realizing that it will be difficult to cope with the excess of duties. What can a parent do in such a situation? First of all, talk to your child and realize that if he feels that he can't cope with all the activities, he can give up at any time. Children are often ashamed to admit to their parents that they will not cope with the challenge because they want to impress them. An important element in raising children is the right way to motivate to act. Choosing words on the principle of "you have to manage", "you are not stupid than others", "do it for parents" etc. is inappropriate and causes the child to feel guilty at the time of failure.

To reduce tension when your child faces a difficult challenge, explain to him that fear is normal. You can give examples of situations in which you feel tension. Remember to explain to your child that if he fails, nothing will really happen! Let them draw conclusions in this situation and treat it as a lesson for the future.

In this way, we protect the child against reduced well-being and give the opportunity to self-assess in a rational way, without the so-called cognitive distortions caused by a specific situation.


In everyday life, it is worth introducing various forms of stress relief from an early age. A helpful idea might be to offer your child a common time to spend on rest from their daily duties. It is worth considering going out to the pool, relaxing training, playing outside, breathing exercises etc. In fact, any method that allows you to break away from the daily routine will have a mutual, positive aspect. Both the parent and child then have the opportunity to relax and also strengthen their mutual emotional bond.



Reykowski J., Funkcjonowanie osobowości w warunkach stresu psychologicznego, PWN, Warszawa 1966.

Wrześniewski K., Psychologiczne uwarunkowania powstawania i rozwoju chorób somatycznych [w:] Strelau J., (red.), Psychologia. Podręcznik akademicki, t. 3, GWP, Gdańsk 2005.

How to learn?

Bad grade justified by a surprising form of test? Or maybe the so-called "Overwhelming" as the main culprit for the weakening of motivation and, as a result, low results? These can be the consequences of incorrect selection of learning strategies and lack of knowledge on how to effectively absorb knowledge. It's worth knowing how to talk to a child who is less and less eager to learn.

Learning at school is focused on acquiring knowledge and acquiring skills - but often students do not know what tools to use while learning. So, they use very inefficient methods. They can lead to reduced motivation or learned helplessness, ultimately extend the time of learning and take away the chance to pursue a hobby or meeting with friends. A parent who knows the basics of the learning process can be a great consultant on effective learning.


Individual approach to learning

This time it is not about an individual approach to the child, but to the material to be assimilated. It is worth teaching a child the habit of assessing the content they intend to learn. Depending on the specific material, choose the right method. The fact that most of the time should be reserved for long and difficult material should not surprise anyone. Longer working hours, however, do not mean longer breaks, quite the opposite - the more difficult the content to master, the shorter the breaks should be. If your child plans to study intricate subjects in several turns, the first should be longer than the others.


How to remember better?

Just because a child has trouble remembering may mean using an ineffective strategy. Repetition alone can prove itself at the very beginning of a career in elementary school, then the amount of material requires more sophisticated techniques. When looking for a good strategy, it's important to know what improves the memory process. First of all, it is self-reliance - completing a task by yourself greatly increases memory performance compared to watching someone else's task perform. Instead of showing you how to solve a math problem, support your child to do it himself. The child should be praised for his involvement, asking support questions, helping to organize work or indicating the sources in which he will find help. Independence in finding information also favors better remembering - a child who puts a little effort into finding information or coming up with a solution will remember it better than his colleague to whom the same information was simply given.


Different methods for different tests

For many students, information about the form of checking knowledge is very important - especially older people know that you have to learn differently for the test with open questions, and differently for those with answers to choose from. What is the difference? Even if the child only reads his notes, during the closed text he will probably recognize among the mismatched answers those that he saw in the read texts. It may, however, have difficulty extracting unfixed content from memory and fail on tasks that require reproduction - that is, answering an open question. It is worth making your child aware that reading (i.e. relying on pictorial traces) is not synonymous with learning (creating verbal traces). He can use this knowledge by assessing which parts of the material he will acquire accurately, and which are less important, superficially.


So, what to do to learn efficiently?

First of all, the student should do homework and learn at fixed times, so that there is still time for pleasure, rest or hobby realization. In case of tests from a larger material, it is worth planning the time to study well in advance to calmly acquire knowledge. It should be remembered that a parent, aunt, grandmother or sister cannot give a ready solution to a task. Then we take away the child's possibilities of thinking, trying to solve the task, and finally analyzing what field it is worth devoting time to. The parent is meant to be help but not the answer. Let's teach children independence!



Jagodzińska, M. (2013). Psychologia pamięci: badania, teorie, zastosowania.

Gliwice: Wydawnictwo Helion.

Child and homework

Overloaded school

In today’s reality of Polish education, homework is an integral part of school duties. They complement the material learned during the teaching lessons, its consolidation and, in a way, the implementation of the assumptions of the core curriculum. Educational programs are heavily overloaded, that is why the amount of homework from class to class increases and accumulates. Children's free time is therefore very limited and centers around homework, which often requires the attention and help of parents.


Check or not check?

Checking the lessons done by your child is worth practicing. However, do not look for errors severely! People learn in the process; it is good to emphasize that mistakes are a natural element and kind inattention is a way to learn. Verification of own mistakes perfectly consolidates the improved knowledge. The parent's role is support, constructive commentary and clear praise for efforts and regularity.


How to comment on children's efforts?


Praise is a message that adds wings, encourages further efforts, and strengthens the relationship. That is why it is also worth praising in situations of partial task completion. Try to avoid generalizations (e.g. It's all wrong). Constructive assessment extracts individual parts draw attention to the manner of performance, correctness, and approach to work. Specification at what stage the mistake was made and what exactly needs improvement. Extract the positive part of the work and motivate to act.


When the child has difficulty with the material?

It all depends on how much free time a parent can devote to the child. When a child does not understand the instructions and repeated the same mistakes many times, he becomes reluctant to learn. This is the time when parents are most needed. The difficulty is that the child is not able to perform the task alone, and we want to teach him this independence.


Patience and teaching aids

The golden rule of small steps will also work this time! Just like the parent's great patience and a large set of home teaching aids. Sticks for counting, abacus, calligraphy pattern of written letters, spelling dictionary, multiplication table - available on the student's desk, will support him during the struggle with the task. The more attractive the items are, the more likely they will be to use them. There are also a lot of educational games on the market that will help turn learning into fun. This will teach a small student both perseverance and faith in the possibility of overcoming problems. Greater involvement in the development of the material will make memorization lighter.


Difficult tasks - difficult emotions

Nerves, anger and frustration can naturally appear during hardships, quenching them is difficult and they are not always successful. Regulation of difficult emotions is, however, an extremely important life competence, and school difficulties are a natural field for exercise. Although this often requires a parent to show their own example of good regulation of emotions, when the child needs to explain the same thing again, valuable help will be to help them name difficult emotions, understand their causes and choose the most appropriate actions.


Student - a small manager

Homework for each student is a challenge, even if it is not difficult in itself, it is associated with organizing your time. We know perfectly well that this is also a problem for many adults. You should plan your tasks diligently and with full commitment. Let's help children learn the value of daily routine. The constant rhythm of the day, where you have to do all the duties, from lessons to cleaning, allows you to become independent. The more the child organizes its own time properly, the better it will perform its subsequent duties.




Joanna Łukasik "Spoko lekcja"

Iwona Czaja Chudyba „ Jak rozwijać zdolności dziecka?”



The first bell

Why we remember the first bell?

It is a reference point for many stories and unforgettable moments of childhood. It opens a huge chapter, a new level of challenges and experiences. Let us not let the child who starts school be emotionally alone in such an important moment - let us be with him. Pre-school education is focused around fun, the school is associated with duties. The child senses this greatly, enjoying the fact that he is already big enough to meet them. This natural, sincere joy is an expression of the desire to discover a world that is rooted in the nature of the child. This joy and curiosity should be constantly awakened. This is both the task of the school and parents. We will not change the system overnight, but we can help the child find himself in the school reality and its specificity. It is also worth showing the content and methods of learning to the child, which are interesting and motivating for us - then we will be a natural example for them.

School realities

Scaring or coloring?

Scaring is the first mistake before the start. It gives birth to the belief that school is not completely safe. Surround your child with care in this initial period and tell him a lot about his nice school adventures, about the opportunities it brings, about trips, friends, colleagues, games and balls.The fact, how you prepare your child to fit a student is a good part of success and a good ground for further travel in the school walls. Of course, it's not about coloring, but authenticity with a positive attitude. Remember that everyone experiences the school period in their own way, which is why your and your child's experiences can vary widely. It is worth listening carefully to everyday tales, asking with interest. Without assumptions, we know what school life looks like. Being honestly committed and up to date, we have access to the world of experiences of our little explorer.


An important figure

When the bell rings on a September morning, stay calm and smile, start the adventure - let the child know that you are next to and enjoy the moment. Then, day by day, the teacher will be an increasingly important person in the life of a young student. In order to keep watch over the learning process and the situation in the classroom, it is good to work with it, jointly support your child in school and social challenges.Remember that the teacher becomes an authority in the children's circle. To maintain a child's sense of security and mutual respect, avoid challenging the teacher's opinion, expressing opinions about her to the child. You can always resolve your doubts directly between adults. It is worth getting to know the teacher better and support her positive image. From the trust of the child depends largely on whether he will open to development, overcome difficulties, and if necessary, will seek help in crisis situations.


Good or destructive?

When school requirements begin, competition will naturally start as well. Better and worse students will emerge, who will be joined by a shared bench and ... sometimes a favorite toy. Do not fuel this competition. Its presence to some extent is inevitable, but it would be worth being balanced with the ability to work in groups and endure defeat. These experiences are extremely important. Listen carefully to how your child reacts to the successes and failures of himself and others. What are these situations causing feelings and comments? It is a good opportunity to support positive self-esteem and empathy. The second one is easiest to build in a child, citing his own feelings and emotions from various social situations. Therefore, listening carefully to the child's story not only supports a close bond, but also provides hints for explaining to the child the social world using examples from his own life.


A valuable skill!

The rhythm of the day and the time to do homework are an important point at the beginning of school struggles. Regularity is worth cultivating and suggesting how to organize your time yourself. At the same time, remembering to take step by step, the management of your time was taken over by the interested person. Sometimes it means failure to perform the duties but letting the sense of the consequences of your own choices, in a safe framework, is a valuable lesson. These are small, important steps to build independence.


A lot, but qualitative.

Praise is a magical bag of messages that must not be forgotten in practice. We know perfectly well how great it is to be praised for the task, for the way, creativity, quality, diligence, innovation. Let's find strengths in the work of your child, let him know what exactly he did well. Vague terms like nice, good, good, do not give any information about the quality of the work done. That's why all the definitions, specific praise and particulars are welcome - it works on the ears of children, like the driving force! The encouraged child will perform the task even better next time and it will be interesting if you notice his efforts. DefeatsHow to put up with them?Failure is a normal thing, a consequence of trying new things. Such interpretation of difficult moments will help your child to get used to them, do not just bend motivation for further attempts. Let us be with the child in the face of failures, never as dictators, but also supportive and help in dealing with emotions and drawing conclusions. The lost defeat rises to higher heights and makes success taste better. This is what we show in practice to our child and together celebrate with him success, no matter how long it was to reach the top. School friendsBuilding your own environmentColleagues are really important people for a child. Could childhood be so joyful without peers? Let the children have their childish fantasies, games and inventions. Keeping an eye on their course and a bit of common sense, we will provide the child with a lot of joy and healthy social development. We teach children the principles of partnership and respect for everyone. Remembering that words are important, but the best example is your own attitude. The first school bell is a shared experience of the child and his parents and let it be so. This, regardless of the circumstances, will ensure a good start for all first-year students.







Silence, Mozart, white wall- truths and myths about effective learning

Break every thirty seconds, looking out the window, sitting over a blank page for an hour? Your child does not come to the desk at all, because he associates with endless lesson? Or maybe he is learning eagerly but inefficiently, and you feel that he could do it faster? There are many ways to help your child work more effectively.

Children, especially at the beginning of school, face an important task: they must learn how to learn. Some teachers willingly guide children through the process of organizing their own learning, but sometimes this obligation falls on parents. So, let's get to know some simple methods that improve our memory processes and tell them to a toddler who will struggle with homework.

Make a tailor-made study

Often you can hear that nothing improves learning results much better than removing everything that distracts you. When the desk is pushed close to the white wall, and only a notebook and a pen lie on the table, it is impossible for the child to become a small Einstein.

Indeed, sometimes such methods are used to deal with learning difficulties, but this is not a strategy that can be proposed to everyone. This solution is recommended, for example, to children with ADHD with high attention deficits. Do not rearrange your home when your child goes to the first class and do not organize a "science corner" from which you can remove anything that might distract you while learning the poem by heart. Your child may or may not be the person who achieves the highest results in conditions of minimal stimulation. Some children find it easier to focus when something is happening around, and the silence and lack of stimuli from the outside will make them believe. Encourage your schoolboy to look for an environment in which he teaches himself best.

Good and bad soundsWho has not heard of the "Mozart effect"? Would not it be great if, after hearing “Eine kleine nachtmusik”, our IQ would jump up several points? Unfortunately, modern psychology proves that listening to the Viennese classics does not permanently affect the functioning of our brain. Under certain conditions, it may have small effects in the area of ​​performing intellectual tasks, but this is a very short-lived phenomenon and is rather related to emotional processes (stress reduction, relaxation) - because they affect our cognitive abilities (e.g. memorization). Where else is more interesting ...In the notebook, eight tasks for fractions, and behind the window, colleagues play football. You do not have to think for a long time to find out what is more interesting? Moving the desk to the other end of the room is symptomatic. Removing an obstacle is making it easier for a child to have a job he is working on - but it will not help him if he finds himself in such a situation in the future and there will be no father or dad next to him. So, what instead? Support for the self-regulation process. Naming what's happening with a child will help him to consciously pick up his own reactions and emotions. It is not worth forcing the child to stay in the chair if there is no urgent need for it. It is better to help him organize his activities in a conscious way - to indicate that he can take a short break, walk to the window and see what is happening behind him. The Internet is full of recommendations for children's learning - but it is worth remembering that the main source of knowledge about effective strategies is the main interest. Depending on your needs and temperament, your child will successfully learn in a variety of conditions, with different help. It is worth for the parent to accompany him in the difficult art of building a suitably stimulating environment.

Does ladder painting help to build self-confidence?

When your child announces that he does not want to go to a language camp to London, because he prefers to do professional shacks on a bushcraft course in a nearby forest, do not panic. This is a great opportunity to think about how to support your child's development wisely. When to trust? When to intervene?

The child's first interests may seem promising or be a big surprise for parents. They can change, they can be short-lived - it's important that they are. It is a reliable sign that the child has begun looking for his passion, shows initiative, tries to organize time himself.

What does the child get?

A ten-year-old who goes to dream weaving classes brings something more than a piece of hand-woven fabric. Gaining the resources necessary to conduct a satisfying life in the future (and it is not about manual skills at all) - a sense of agency and competence, learning about own abilities and talents, stimulating the imagination, developing social competences in a new peer group, motor development ...

The power of awareness of own limitations

However, there are situations in which the parent's intervention will be beneficial for the child. For example, when a child is unable to objectively assess his or her abilities and wants to invest his time and effort in an activity that is too difficult, it can result in great difficulties, humiliation and even permanently discourage him from taking any action. It is not about directing children towards areas where they will certainly achieve success without any problems. Well-chosen activity for a child is one in which it must face challenges, but it also has a real chance to achieve its goals.


The offer of activities for children is very rich today - especially in big cities it is difficult to decide what will be the most developmental and useful for a child. Asking the child what he wants, does not always end up participating in well-chosen activities - children often do not know what the classes are about. So, let's give your child space to experiment at home and let them try different activities. Declared interests of the child are an expression of his needs, but to find them, he often must first realize them. Before you categorically refuse to finance the course of making bas-reliefs in wood, think about whether it is not worth trusting your child.

Selection of toys and their impact on children’s development

Toys piled on shelves in children's rooms, multicolored attractions with different textures, sizes and applications. Games, puzzles, robots, ovens, blocks, dolls and controlled cars - to choose from. All these components are associated with the activity loved by children - a play that develops them at this stage in a perfect and irreplaceable way. Proper psychomotor development of the child is associated with the correct selection of toys for him. Are we suggesting this conviction by reaching for the toy to the joy of our child?

An integral part of life of a child under 6 is mainly fun, during which he discovers the world. Play cannot be replaced by any other activity at this stage. It is as if inscribed in the carefree years of childhood. Through play children learn new skills, develop small and large motor skills, learn social roles and establish peer relationships. Play has a multidimensional effect on the child's development, affects its physical development, supporting muscle development, manual fitness and coordination. On the level of social development, he teaches specific forms of behavior and roles, cooperation, sharing and friendship. In the end, the game ultimately influences the cognitive development of the child, which means that it provides knowledge about colors, shapes, textures and knowledge about the world.

Toys are a fun tool and define this activity, so it is worth considering their selection. Too many toys cause that the child cannot concentrate and use them properly in their activity. Excessive amount will also cause that the child will not enjoy the fun, which is the main activity for him. As the University of Toledo, Ohio, USA study shows, the excessive number of toys in a child's room significantly weakens his concentration and attention. Scientists from Ohio invited children to two rooms to play, one of them had a dozen different toys, in the other there were none. Play activity of children differed significantly from each other, in the first room the games were very short-lived, they were shallow and there were conflicts. The children's games in the room without toys were creative, based on cooperation and full commitment.

The first thing in choosing toys is their safety, in turn adjusting to the age of the child. It is worth it to affect all the senses of the child, with its color, shape and texture, but it did not bombard with sound, visual or tactile stimulation in a too intense way. Toy can affect the child's motor development, the development of manual or artistic skills, depending on his or her destiny. An interesting proposition are construction toys that teach technical skills, assembly, disassembly, manipulation, which are invaluable in everyday life. The principle is less and more reliable when buying toys. Instead of buying ten small cars of poor quality, which in a few days will lose the chassis, buy one solid vehicle that will not only serve the child to play, but it will not break down in a short time. The child is a creator of ideas for their fun, toys to help him. If there are too many of them, the child's fantasy will expire.

Most parents have certainly witnessed great ideas for children when we provide them with an ordinary cardboard carton that will generate millions of ideas with simplicity. After few minutes, a spaceship, a drinks shop, a dollhouse, or a fire engine can be built out of the ordinary gray box. And that's it - let the kids create their toys, it's a very creative and innovative experience that will not only provide a lot of fun, but will also result in a child's creative, innovative thought in the future. Cosmetics boxes are an interesting material for construction, manual and plastic games. What's more, they can be used in all of these ways and effectively develop creativity.

The child's interests and preferences are one of the factors influencing the selection and purchase of toys. Especially if we are talking about older children. They, often manipulated by advertising, want to own a full collection of blocks, dolls or controlled cars. Developing your interests, caring your preferences and love for them is natural and it is worth using them wisely. A favorite character from a cartoon does not have to condition the purchase of a full range of toys with his image. This is a character that encourages the child to read, paint, build and move.

In order to refresh and dose joys of the toys held by a child, they can be periodically put down and replaced with those that have already been treated, remembering that there should be very few of them. This is a good solution, especially when a child receives some new toys on the occasion of a ceremony and automatically loses interest in the old ones. Do not do it against your child, if he knows that the toys are in a safe place and can return to them, he will accept the idea.

Toys are the greatest joy of childhood; we remember them, and we remember them for a long time. We choose them wisely and with care, not exaggerating with their quantity and not following fashion. Let us sometimes have fun together with the child, then we will find out which toys develop the most.And what toy do you remember from your childhood? Maybe it's worth searching in the attic of mother or grandmother to get back to the memories together with the child.



Zabawy badawcze dzieci w przedszkolu, WN WSP Kraków 1992, ss.194.    Czaja-Chudyba, I. (2006). Pedagogika zabawy w osobowym i profesjonalnym przygotowaniu do zawodu nauczyciela. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe AP. ISBN 8-7271-381-2.


The principles of good habits for children and adults

Habit is an activity that we undertake without hesitation and very regularly. It is often done without specific awareness and wasting cognitive resources. It is important for children to develop good habits in every possible area of ​​life.

In the development of appropriate habits in children, or in adults, we are helped by behavioral and cognitive-behavioral psychology. Both of them possessing huge achievements of empirical research distinguished six basic principles facilitating the development of specific habits. The individual steps are presented below.

  1. Make decision! At this point, it is important that this decision is conscious and personal. Therefore, before you force your child to work out some habits, motivate them to make the decision that they want to do it! For example, a child decides to read 10 pages of a book every day.
  2. Do not allow for exception! It is important not to allow situations when I give up an activity that is to become my habit. Of course, it should be approached with a great distance, e.g. if you have already failed to do the action, do not resign altogether just go back to shaping the habit the next day. For example, I try to eat healthy. After a month of proper nutrition, I happened to eat something unhealthy. Instead of giving up my sacrifices, I return to proper nutrition from the next day.
  3. Tell others! When we talk about what we want to achieve to other people, the given task is gaining a different, greater involvement for us.
  4. Visualization of yourself doing the habit! Try to imagine yourself doing the given activity. In this way you strengthen a given activity and transform it into a habit.
  5. Create affirmation! Find positive aspects of the habit you want to work out in yourself. Repeat for yourself what you gain by doing something. Affirmation should be short and always performed by the person who acquires the habit - it makes them more motivating.
  6. Reward yourself! The prize is very important. It has the greatest impact on the development of good habits and strengthening motivation, especially when the main goal is distant in time.                                                                                                                                                                                   When you apply the rules mentioned above, you will succeed in developing the same habits you want to have. They can be about different issues, i.e.healthy eating, hygiene, sleep, daily exercise, etc. It  all depends on you.