BUILD GOOD HABITS WITH IM2BE! The first such application for families.

Develop your family together with im2be. Help your child find himself in today’s reality

Im2be is a technology that was created with the family in mind. Its primary purpose is to help the loving development of families around the world

How it works?

By having fun, you develop your children’s good habits.

About Foundation

Foundation Intelligent Technologies was established by the decision of the Founder – Intelligent Technologies S.A. on June 25, 2015. The main goal of the Foundation is to ensure the sustainable development of society through the simultaneous improvement of e-competences and interpersonal skills. The Foundation creates innovative tools to support education and development of all social groups, from preschoolers to seniors.

Our mission is to use modern information technology to create more conscious humans and a better world. We want to use the latest scientific knowledge in the field of psychology and sociology to support the comprehensive development and learning of people of all ages.

We present you with a film promoting our activities for the coming years of work:


Intelligent Technologies S.A. (ITSA) is a company with many years of activity in the ICT industry. It is a reliable company with an established position on the Polish market, providing high quality services and offering proven products in the ICT industry. It is not only a telecommunications operator and integrator, but also a leader in the innovative telecommunications solutions for business. Its credibility and growth dynamics have repeatedly confirmed the Gazelle of Business awards.

Having such a rich institutional experience, the Supervisory Board together with the Board decided to fund a non-profit organization that is a social response of the traditional business approach to the needs, gaps and challenges of the modern information society. This is how Foundation Intelligent Technologies was created, which is a complement to, but also a continuation of an innovative approach to ITSA’s activities.


Substantive Partner

The Foundation of the Institute of Mother and Child aims to act to protect the health of patients and promote health prophylaxis for children, adolescents and pregnant women. We are working for Polish families in agreement with Institute of Mother and Child Foundation


The FIT team means amazing people. Enthusiasts, but at the same time professionals, innovators, but based on solid scientific foundations. People of various specialties, but with open minds and broad horizons. People with different professional experience, both young, full of enthusiasm, just entering the labor market, as well as having a long-term business practice.

Council of the Foundation

Ewa Geris

Chairwoman of the Council

Adam Wdowiak

Member of the Council

Board of the Foundation

Gregory Geris

President of the Board

„I am passionate about the privilege to be a leader in the Foundation.  It is exciting, and humbling, to get closer to our goal of widely delivering “hopeful people technology” starting with im2be for kids.”   

Greg was born and raised in the USA where he earned an undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Minnesota.  Before and after earning an MBA from Harvard University Greg’s career focused on delivering communications and office automation for better businesses.  Overwhelmingly inspired by the future won by the Solidarność of Poland, Greg arrived in Warsaw in January of 1990 and has never stopped working for the success of businesses in Poland.  Currently Greg is the President of Omega Equity Portfolio.  For a long time, Greg has believed that the same technology which makes business more successful has a more important role to help people succeed.  In these days when people and society do have serious questions about the impacts of technology, the Foundation is dedicated to be a leader in finding the answers.

Katarzyna Waksmundzka

Member of the Board

Economist specialized in finance and banking. For 10 years she has been involved in the activities of NGO in a very broad sense, from running administrative affairs and projects to team, strategic and financial management.
In the Foundation, she oversees formal matters and the essential projects. In private, mother of Aleksandra and Michał – in her free time she reads and creates handicrafts.


Bartosz Jasiński

Psychologist by education, specialist in clinical neuropsychology – a fanatic of the brain. He uses his knowledge and experience on a daily basis in professional practice. He is interested in the subject of overall human development. Privately, the husband and father of Eric and Antoś. A passionate musician and creator of applied art. In the Foundation, he combines theoretical and practical aspects. He watches over the creation and implementation of new psychological tools. He conducts workshops on cybersecurity for children and youth.

Łukasz Zieliński

Front-End Web Developer, in his spare time turns a computer keyboard into music and tries to explore knowledge about the social history of the world of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He participates in the creation of application prototypes at the Foundation.

Dariusz Prymon

Legal counsel with over ten years of professional experience. He provides comprehensive legal services for the Foundation. Enthusiast of implementing new technologies based on artificial intelligence.


If you like what we do and want to support our projects, make a donation of any amount to our Foundation.


You can also make a transfer directly to the bank account of the Foundation Intelligent Technologies at ING Bank Śląski S.A with the title “donation for statutory goals of the Foundation”

29 1050 1025 1000 0090 3202 7303IBAN: PL 29 1050 1025 1000 0090 3202 7303

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