Especially now, everyone agrees that supporting families to help kids develop is valuable and necessary. Our contribution was to build a complete family communications system for the special purpose of communicating and dependably delivering the Power of Love to a support the positive development and celebrate the success of a child. We recognize that families can be dispersed, mixed or just plain complicated. So, we have built a system that removes the barriers to cooperation about and support for the child. This is where we started and this is our priority
On top of the family relations and communication’s platform we have built a system which will directly help family members agree with a child to stop bad habits or make good ones. Like in the real world there are tangible advantages for stopping bad habits and keeping a plan to achieve good results built on good habits. Primary school is the time to build this character of success. It has always been the parent’s job with the help of grandparents to teach children in the way that they should go. Life may not be fair, but Im2be is practice for the time-honored methods of good living and it is a fair system that children can trust with the involvement of loving adults. We have delivered a system which will ensure that promises are remembered, and the relationships are consistent, and the agreements are voluntary and kept and the family is first in kid’s minds

We have developed a serious application which is simple to use by every member of the family on the PC or tablet or phone of their choice. Finding agreement, sharing goals and success and focusing on the good of children supports the positive development of the whole family! Im2be is a hopeful people technology that can help any family build a better future.
We are currently looking for testers who will check our work so far and show us the way to further Im2be development. If you are a parent or know someone who is a parent, invite them to us!
What is this?
Im2be is the world’s first family coaching platform in which parents use latest technology as a tool for consultation, negotiation and cooperation with their children for the benefit of the whole family.

Scientifically proven principles!
Im2be is developed according to common sense. Nothing about Im2be is hard to understand or agree with. Wise people know that the habits learned in childhood last and have a huge impact on the future quality of life of the person. Eric Ericsson points out the different development challenges that face the person over time with childhood learning being crucial to have the skills to succeed in life. In primary school, a child learns either industry or inferiority and it has a lasting impact on the rest of their lives.

Im2be applies the theoretical foundations of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by numerous studies. Compared to other psychological theories, with CBT it is very possible to objectify the obtained results, using proven tools to measure the effects, as well as the assessment of its effects by an independent researcher.
What is the purpose of our application?
We are hopeful for individuals and families in the future. We believe that the love in family isfirst and foremost and powers the never-ending circle of life. Due to the fact that everyday family ties are being replaced by new technologies, we have decided to help conscious parents in the development of their children.
The purpose of our application is to support normal family life and as environment to develop the fundamental character that the child needs to succeed in their whole lives: correct self-esteem, balance and discipline.
Recognizing and strengthening these three pillars together will improve the quality of functioning of each family.

How does the app help?
Using the achievements of psychological, pedagogical and sociological knowledge, we have developed the first version of the application that supports helps families support children in their overall development.
Reward your child for accomplishment in full agreement, whenever he or she asks for it!
Maintain the balance between the real world and the virtual world for your whole family! Teach your child to be disciplined while maintaining a loving relationship!

Five steps to getting to know Im2be
Register an account in Im2be!
Add your family members.
Offer tasks and rewards to your child and let them negotiate together.
Remember about regularity and duty.
Just have fun.